
Medical Weight Loss

Medical Weight Loss services offered in O’fallon, MO

Medical Weight Loss

Medical weight loss with semaglutide is your key to more energy, less joint pain, and lower blood sugar among other benefits. At Energize Testosterone & Wellness Center in O’Fallon, Missouri, Jennifer McElfresh, MSN, APN-BC, and the team create your individualized treatment protocol and support you along the way. Call the office or book an appointment online to consult about medical weight loss today. 

Medical Weight Loss Q & A

How does semaglutide work for medical weight loss?

Semaglutide is an injectable medication that simplifies the way you lose weight. While most people understand that a balanced, low-calorie diet combined with regular exercise is the healthiest way to manage your weight, there are often unforeseen physical and psychological challenges that make weight loss more difficult than it seems. 

Semaglutide reduces your appetite by mimicking the effects of a digestive hormone called glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1). The medication also slows down the emptying of your stomach, which helps you feel full for longer, so you don’t consume as much food. Additionally, semaglutide increases your energy levels, making it easier to keep up with your exercise requirements. 

The team at Energize Testosterone & Wellness Center gives you personalized weight loss recommendations based on their findings during your initial consultation and exam. 

What are the main benefits of medical weight loss?

When you lose weight in a healthy and mindful manner, you experience various measurable health and wellness benefits. Here are a few highlights:


Blood sugar control

Lowering your blood sugar also lowers your risk of developing type 2 diabetes. If you already have diabetes or are prediabetic, weight loss can be a valuable part of your care plan. 


Cardiovascular protection

Losing weight takes some of the pressure off your heart and blood vessels and can lower your risk of various types of heart disease. 


Improved digestive health

Semaglutide weight loss can improve your digestion by slowing down the digestive process. 

What should I expect from my medical weight loss program?

Every medical weight loss program at Energize Testosterone & Wellness Center starts with a detailed consultation and exam. This includes a comprehensive lab test panel for a better understanding of your overall health and metabolism. Using their findings, the team can develop your personalized weight loss program.

You can start your protocol right away, with medications shipped directly and discreetly to you. In week two of your program, you’ll notice a decreased appetite and more energy than you had before. In the first month of your treatment, you can lose around 5% of your body weight. You’ll also notice lower cholesterol and blood pressure. 

For more information about medical weight loss and what to expect from your program, call Energize Testosterone & Wellness Center or schedule a consultation online today.