
Balancing Testosterone Levels in Men: The Implications and Consequences

Jul 17, 2023
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Do you sometimes feel inexplicably overwhelmed by feelings of sadness and despair? If you've ever faced such a scenario, chances are, your testosterone levels might have been at a low ebb. But, that's not the only effect of reduced testosterone. 

Understanding Testosterone

Testosterone is more than just a hormone - it's the cornerstone of a man's physical vigor and vitality. It holds sway over muscle growth, fat reduction, libido, and also has a significant impact on mood and energy levels. Naturally, low testosterone can manifest itself in a multitude of ways.

For men, testicles are the testosterone factories, while in women, ovaries take on this role. In general, testosterone levels in women are considerably lower than in men. That said, unusually low testosterone levels in both sexes can lead to certain symptoms and indicate possible health concerns.‍

Most men experience a surge in testosterone production during puberty, followed by a gradual decline from around the age of 30. As these natural testosterone levels dwindle, both men and women may begin to encounter various symptoms.

Decoding Low Testosterone Symptoms in Men

Low testosterone impacts a man's health and well-being across various dimensions. Some men with dwindling testosterone levels report sleep disruption, emotional fluctuations, including depression, and sexual performance/desire issues. Some may even notice a drop in fertility, decreased physical strength, and weight gain.‍

Low testosterone can also mar athletic performance due to energy loss, and increased difficulty in building muscle and burning fat. This shift towards a higher fat-to-muscle ratio could, in turn, elevate the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and other metabolism-related conditions.

Look out for these signs of low testosterone in men:

  • Reduced motivation
  • Lowered sexual drive
  • Increased body fat
  • Sleep issues and fatigue

Low testosterone can usher in undesirable health impacts in men, including:

  • Osteoporosis (weak and brittle bones)
  • Infertility
  • Depression
  • Obesity
  • Erectile dysfunction (ED)
  • Loss of muscle mass

Note that a decline in testosterone levels with age is normal. From around the age of 30, testosterone decreases at an average rate of about 1% per year.

Understanding the Causes of Low Testosterone in Men

What triggers a downward trend in your testosterone levels? A host of direct and indirect factors can contribute to low T levels in both young and older men:

Direct causes include testicular failure arising from genetic and metabolic disorders, autoimmune diseases, and testicular trauma.

Indirect causes comprise excessive exercise, malnutrition, synthetic steroid misuse, and hormonal imbalances in the pituitary gland.

The Role of Testosterone Replacement Therapy

Testosterone replacement therapy, or TRT, could be a potential remedy for some symptoms of low testosterone in men. Doctors often suggest TRT as a treatment for male hypogonadism, a condition where the body doesn't produce enough testosterone.

TRT can potentially enhance muscle strength and erectile function in men with hypogonadism, increase energy levels, and safeguard against bone loss.‍

Testosterone can be administered through various methods, including skin patches, gels, injections, and implants.

Testosterone Replacement Therapy and Prostate Cancer: What's the Connection?‍

In previous decades, researchers hypothesized that high levels of total testosterone could increase the risk of prostate cancer. However, recent studies have debunked this, asserting that testosterone therapy poses "little if any risk" of prostate cancer.‍

Symptoms and Causes of High Testosterone in Men

Men with high testosterone may grapple with numerous symptoms and potential health risks. These include aggressive and irritable behavior, increased acne and oily skin, worsened sleep apnea, increased muscle mass, lower sperm count, and shrunken testicles.

High testosterone levels can result from benign testicular or adrenal tumors, steroid use and abuse, and a genetic predisposition.

Untreated high testosterone levels can elevate "bad" cholesterol, thereby increasing the risk of heart-related issues, including heart attacks, cardiovascular disease, or strokes. Risks of sleep apnea and infertility also increase with high testosterone levels.


Maintaining balanced testosterone levels is crucial for men's health. Both excessively high and low levels can have detrimental effects. However, there's a simple solution to keep a check on your testosterone levels: the Energize Wellness Check. Any detected anomalies should be discussed with your healthcare provider to ensure your wellbeing.